
Do you currently have life insurance through your employer?

Congratulations on taking the first steps to protecting your family. Using the quote tool in combination with our underwriting questionnaire and F.A.Q.'s, you should be able to get a good idea of what you want and what fits your budget.

We have provided quoters for several of the larger group plans offered to public employees in Arizona. Just click your plan.  Simply fill out the quote form and you will be  prompted to an underwriting questionnaire. The questionnaire is essential to providing you with an accurate rate quote. 

Upon submission of the questionnaire, you will see rates from top carriers, broken down by rate, exam requirements,and living benefits options.  Workers Bequest lists the carriers we recommend at the top of the page, but you are free to choose any carrier listed.

 If your plan is not here and you have the plan information, we will be happy to provide you with a comparison.  If  you do not have the plan info, you can you can simply enter your current coverage and monthly payment and compare that with private rates. 

Alternatively, you can use the generic FEGLI COMPARE quoter that uses the rates of the Federal Employee Group Life Insurance plan. 

As always, feel free to use the contact us link or give us a call at  855-840-1400.

We have provided quoters for several of the larger group plans offered to public employees in Arizona. Just click your plan.  Simply fill out the quote form and you will be  prompted to an underwriting questionnaire.  Upon submission of the questionnaire, you will see rates from top carriers, broken down by rate, exam requirements,and living benefits options.  Workers Bequest lists the carriers we recommend as well as alternatives.

 If your plan is not here and you have the plan information, we will be happy to provide you with a comparison.  If  you do not have the plan info, you can you can simply enter your current coverage and monthly payment and compare that with private rates. 

Alternatively, you can use the generic FEGLI COMPARE quoter that uses the rates of the Federal Employee Group Life Insurance plan. 

As always, feel free to use the contact us link or give us a call at  855-840-1400.