Life Insurance For Pilots

By James Tobin, CFP®

Critical Takeaways

  • Rate Impact Minor to Significant
  • Pricing  Based on The Type Of Flying (Private/ Commercial) ,Aircraft, Frequency, Certifications, Any Incident History, And Overall Health
  • Preferred Best Ratings Possible, Flat Extras For Students

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Expert Review 

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Reviewed by

Jim Tobin, CFP®

Why you can trust this review

At Workers Bequest, we value our editorial independence. We keep our reviews strictly factual so you can use them to make informed decisions. Life insurance carriers referred to on this site do not approve reviews. 

There was a time when life insurance for pilots was a really tricky issue, luckily for pilots this is less of the the case today.

That being said, several life insurance carriers still operate on underwriting standards that are severely outdated.

The purpose of this article is to provide the information necessary for a pilot to get the best deal possible on life insurance.

Insurance Company Attitudes On Pilots Until Recently

Until recent years, underwriting guidelines at most insurance carriers would make offers to pilots that reflected perceived risks greater than simply health.

While commercial pilots fared much better than private pilots, or students, even  flying for the big airlines was no protection from being lowered a rating class.

Eventually, common sense (and actuarial tables) prevailed.

That is underwriters realized you had a better shot of being killed driving to the airport than actually flying on a plane.  

 Underwriting is still concerned with the experience and credentials  of private pilots and will charge "flat extras" to students. However, there will be many cases in which pilots may receive preferred best pricing. 

Required Information For Pilots Life Insurance

Applying for life insurance with a "dangerous occupation" is a lot  like applying for life insurance with a serious pre-existing condition.

You may be thinking "but there's nothing wrong with my health, why would I be treated as if there is?"

The answer is that insurance companies want to know as much as they can about the risk they are being asked to insure.  

For someone who has a serious condition, the condition is the risk to be investigated.

 the case of a pilot, the risk is his flying activities (as well as health).

The information you can be expected to provide is as follows:

  • Number of years flying
  • Are you Instrument rated? Do you hold any certifications? How long?
  • What type of aircraft do you regularly pilot?
  • How often do you fly? Hours per  month/year.
  • Are you the subject of any FAA incident reports? (they'll check)

Possible Underwriting Ratings For Pilots

This information is ever changing as the life insurance industry is adapting to the reality that the skies are safer than most alternatives. 

Commercial pilots-The adaption is in full force with commercial pilots. Assuming they meet all the health requirements for a specific carrier, pilot's have several options for a preferred best rating.

Private Pilots- The life insurance underwriting world has been slower to allow the best rates for private pilots.

However, if the pilot is experienced, IFR certified and the application stands up to strict scrutiny, there is an opportunity for a preferred best rate. 

Student Pilot- The underwriting is much tougher for student pilots. The preferred and "preferred best" ratings that are available for experienced pilots are not offered to students. 

The likely outcome for a student pilot  applying for life insurance is a standard rate and a "flat extra' of $2 or $3.

The flat extra is applied per $ 1000  of face amount. So, if you by $ 100000 policy with a $2 flat extra, the policy will cost $200 additional per year.

Always Use An Independent Agent When Shopping For Life Insurance For Pilots

Now you understand that  different  life insurance carriers will look at your occupation differently based on their appetite for the business. 

Not surprisingly, they take the same approach to health matters. For example, one carrier will give a preferred best rating with high cholesterol and another will not...

Pricing/underwriting class is how insurance companies manage risk appetite.

So, it makes the most sense to have as many options as possible to get the best rates. The only way to accomplish this is with an independent agent.  See this case study.

So called "captive" agents, folks who only work for one main carrier, do not have the 50+ options available that an independent does.

Furthermore, if  the captive agent doesn't have a competitive option available for your need, he has to try and convince you that his company is 'the best" Whatever that means.

After all, he has to eat too...and he has a strong financial incentive not to mention alternatives he cannot (or doesn't want to) present.


In short, life insurance underwriting for pilots is better than it ever has been before.

As carriers have come to the realization of the actuarial safety of flying, opportunities for the best rates  are less and less limited everyday. Using an independent agent is the only way to guarantee seeing all the best rates. This applies whether you fly a plane or sit in a control tower.

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